Monday, June 18, 2012

Pink or Blue?

My friend Rachel had a little gender reveal dinner last week. It was really low-key with just a few people, but it was so fun! She had us meet at a restaurant in Boulder. When we came around the corner, this is what we saw...

Her husband, Ben, is so funny. He jumped up and said, "It's a BOY!!" Poor guy is gonna be out-numbered :)

I'm so excited they're having a little girl! We had all been trying to guess for the last few weeks and couldn't wait to find out.  I'm pretty sure everyone guessed girl. Rachel had looked up all of the old wives tales and gender charts and everything was pointing towards pink. She even did some crazy test where she threaded a strand of her hair through a needle and held it above her wrist. Apparently, the needle swung in a circle which meant she was having a girl. I usually don't believe in old wives tales, but I guess in this case it was true!

I wish I would have taken a picture of the adorable little hat I bought for her (I bought a boy gift too, just in case). It was purple with a big flower on it-so fun! 

My fellow CW's in Boulder. I just love these girls. We sat at the restaurant for 4 hours, and I seriously could have stayed longer. We had so much fun talking and catching up. 

I'm so happy for Rachel and Ben and I CAN NOT wait to meet little miss Cora Michelle in November!